Andrey Gromov

About me

I have graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University in 2009 with B. Sc. Degree in physics with focus on High Energy Physics. Currently, I am a PhD student at The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Stony Brook University working in condensed matter physics with Alexander Abanov who is also a teacher in SchoolNova.

I used to teach physics lab for Stony Brook undergraduate students.

I believe that every child is gifted and has a talent in one sphere of human activity or another. It could be physics, mathematics, languages, art. It is often up to enrichment programs like SchoolNova to help children to find something they are good at and help them to develop their abilities.

I will be teaching mathematics, which is the most important part of school education because it gives children ability to think clearly and teaches them to build arguments and reach conclusions using logic rather than common sense.

(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022